Friday, March 4, 2011

BLOSSOMING INTERVIEW: Up Close & Personal With Your Favorite Gurus: BRANDALYN FULTON

Hey Blossoms,

I'm super excited to have yet ANOTHER amazing makeup guru interview for you!

Her name is Brandalyn Fulton

Her website is B STANDS FOR BEAUTY

Her twitter is @brandalynfulton

Her Facebook is Brandalyn Fulton

Her Youtube channel is Brandalyn Fulton

And here SHE is...


Let's continue...

Not only is Brandalyn Fulton a Makeup Artist she's also a hair & wig artist too! So I wanted to definitely touch on all fields of her expertise. As usual, I thought long and hard about what to ask and Brandalyn was great with answering them all. Here are my questions and here's what she said...

So you specialize in makeup, wigs and hair! Tell us.. What's the major difference between styling wigs and styling hair? What changes with styling each? How did you come about styling wigs?

I started working with wigs in college. I needed to finish my college degree at the University of Michigan and my Stage Makeup Professor suggested I work alongside the Wig & Makeup Designers that would come to our school. Usually I would assist them and would help style wigs and apply wigs/makeup backstage.  In theatre, especially school or regional theatres makeup and hair are in the same department. When styling a wig the approach is different. Typically a wig is styled by a roller set. Most modern day hairstyles are not created from a roller set.

To become a professional wig stylist what program/school would you recommend? What program/schooling did you attend?

Wig styling and wig making is a very sacred art form that is traditionally passed from one person to another by apprenticeship or internship. There are only 2 major collegiate programs that offer a BFA or MFA in Wig & Makeup Design. There are several internship and apprenticeship programs around the country. I did the Juilliard School Professional Internship in Wigs & Makeup. There I learned how to build and ventilate wigs. I also refined my styling skills. In order to work on Broadway or Television, you must have your cosmetology license. I do not have one, so I can style wigs and hair in certain environments. If your goal is to be hairdresser backstage or on a television set, it is imperative for you to go to Cosmetology School. I am a Makeup Artist who happens to know how to style hair and wigs J

How did you start out as a makeup artist? What order did the skills come: makeup, hair, wigs?

I needed a college job and began working at the local department store in the cosmetic department. A job in Cosmetic Sales exposed me to the world of Makeup Artistry. I became obsessed to the point where I was totally disinterested in what I originally went to college to become. I’ve been doing makeup for almost 8 years now and wigs almost 5 years. People always ask what do I do to get started, “if someone presents you an opportunity to do something, take it!” After doing makeup for a few years I needed to finish my college program, my college professor, Christianne Myers, suggested I work backstage on a production with the Wig & Makeup Designer. I would have never thought to do that on my own. So that is how I officially started to do hair. I have always had some skills with hair. My childhood best friend and I had a mini hair salon for our dolls. It was called the ALL DOLL SALON!!!

LOL, how cute! So you got to style wigs for a fall musical of Hairspray at Pioneer High School in Ann Harbor, MI.The hair and makeup was awesome. Tell us what was necessary to create these looks?

When designing hair and makeup for theatre it is important to meet with the costume designer and director. It is important for everyone to be on the same page. I listen to their ideas, use their inspiration and research photos to execute a look that brings the character to life. The actor also may have ideas that they have developed while learning the role. This is important as well. You want them to feel comfortable on stage with their look. There are times where everyone may not agree on the overall look. I have learned to take a little bit of everyone’s idea and make it work.

Do you also do periodic makeup/hairstyling? What's the oldest era you've gone "back" to? Have you even gone futuristic and styled a "fantasy" hairstyle of the new millennium?

A lot of shows have historic or periodic references. Depending on the director they may decide to keep the show based in its original time period or they may take a different spin on things. It really depends on their interpretation. I think out of all the shows I’ve worked on, I have helped create styles back to the early 1800’s. The most rewarding part of having a solid background with beauty, fashion, and some costume history is you can see how it evolves and return with trends each season.

What are your tips for those first timers on set at a major production?

When backstage the people in the wardrobe department are your best friends. They are the people who make quick changes (coordinated dances changing clothes, wigs, hats, etc.) happen with you and also help you remember your cue for changes. Always have a bright light because you are working in the dark usually.  They can be purchased from Manhattan Wardrobe Supply. Know your stage left from stage right! Overall Stage Managers, Production Managers, and Production Assistants are the most knowledgeable people. They know what is going on at all times.

We know you are from Detroit. Tell us of 3 major MUA, hair and wig stylist in the field from there that we may not know of?

I can’t really tell you 3 “major” because we are all really close and supportive of one another. Most of us have found our niche doing our own thing. There are so many people, like me, who are from there and we are making our mark in other cities. Then there are those who are still in Detroit working on movies, advertising, bridal, and special events. As the new slogan goes, “Imported from Detroit”…there are a lot of us J

You also have a YouTube channel. What can we expect to see on that channel and when should we tune in?

I’ve been sleeping on YouTube! I admire everyone who does it. I have always felt that my life would be an interesting reality tv show. I definitely want to more with video this year. I got some good ideas. I just need to find the time and energy…lol!

What's the most amount of makeup/wig changes you've done? How did you manage?

This is a great question. Usually with large shows, you work with a crew because obviously one person cannot do it all with dozens of wigs. As Wig and Makeup Supervisor at the John Engeman Theater at Northport I am the only one in my department. For My Fair Lady, I think there were 18 wigs and almost 25 wig changes. All of the changes were done by me and there were large hats too that had to be secured to heads as well because it was a time period where everyone wore hats. Running a show backstage is like a coordinated dance that you do over and over again. Usually by week 2 or 3 you can do it with your eyes closed, no anxiety attacks…lol!

I know that with live shows last minute changes or emergencies come up. Tell us what your most crazy experience was? What did you do? Lessons learned?

My memory is horrible, but a few things come to mind. At the Music Theatre of Wichita, I was the Wig/Makeup Designer and Supervisor for High School Musical. Sharpay {one of the characters in the play} gets a pie thrown in her face right before intermission. Each night I would completely reapply Sharpay’s hair and makeup during the 15 minute intermission. It was my job to strategically place the cake icing back on her face so she could wipe the cake off at her locker at the top of Act II on stage. Well someone threw the cake away and no one knew who threw it away or in which garbage (This was a huge theatre and over 60 people were in this show.)! So after running around backstage like crazies looking for the cake, we just ended up having to use shaving cream to imitate icing! It worked, but I made sure from that day on that a Production Assistant brought the cake to me and set it on my desk.

Another crazy experience is when I made prosthetic noses and chins for a play in college. The actors would apply the custom latex pieces with spirit gum. I always told every actor to hydrate their skin and cleanse it very well. Spirit gum can be pretty brutal when applying in the same area for almost 2 weeks straight. One of the actors didn’t take my advice and the tension from the appliance ripped the skin on his face right under his eye. That {undereye} skin is so delicate it was scary. I asked him had he been moisturizing his face. Of course not, but it was still scary because I felt responsible, but there was nothing I could do. Luckily we only had 1 more show left.

WOW is all I can say!

Brandalyn has done so much! Her expertise is endless. 



Brandalyn is the beauty editor for Hope Today Magazine

suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2002

has partnered with Mount Sinai of Medicine Brain Injury Research Center to teach makeup tips to women who have suffered brain injuries

likes chilli cheese fries and anything else spicy & flavorful 

is the Makeup & Wig Supervisor for the upcoming play My Fair Lady at the John Engeman Theatre in Newport, NY

has worked in wig & makeup at Carnegie Hall!

loves anything from the 60s-70s especially fashion and furniture

was Makeup Artist of the year in 2008 at the Bennett Career Institute Celebrity Makeup Symposium 

introduced the Women of Color Foundation collection for Face Atelier Cosmetics at the Makeup Show 2010

has been in the makeup field for 8yrs and the wig & hair field for 5 yrs

recently relocated to NYC from Detroit

has a dog named Chewy


Brandalyn worked on the Makeup Team, which was sponsored by Mehron Cosmetics  for Toni Francesc New York Fashion Week 2011. The collection was inspired by the Garuda bird {the Hindu gold bodied bird associated with the rays of the sun}. The eye makeup was to mimic the wings of a bird and the lips were to be "blood red". Check out Brandalyn hard at work and the finished look ...


Brandalyn's Tip for Working Fashion Week

Just be prepared to take on anything that could happen. Always ask for an idea of the look so you know how to pack your kit, but know that look could completely change. I always like to check in with the key artist after each application for their approval. Get to know the models - you will more than likely work with them again. I am learning that the fashion world is pretty small.

If your interested in knowing what Brandalyn used to get to the finished look. Check out her blog B STANDS FOR BEAUTY.


(The Makeup Show is a trade show for Pro Makeup Artists)*

Brandalyn demonstrated  LIVE how she achieved the look worn on the runway at New York Fashion Week in the Tony Francesc collection at The Makeup Show LA 2011!

Brandalyn was also a Makeup Artist at the Face Atelier booth at the Makeup Show LA 2011

In 2010, Brandalyn served as one of the speakers for Face Atelier Women of Color Foundation Launch

Here's one of my personal favorites of Brandalyn's work:


Brandalyn has been in the Makeup field since 2003 and has met many amazing and influential people. Some of my favorite makeup artists!

Brandalyn & Celebrity Makeup Artist, Sam Fine

Brandalyn on the far right pictured with another makeup artist friend & Crystal Wright, author & entrepreneur on the far left

This year Brandalyn is training to be a part of the :

"... 2011 Nautica NYC Triathlon as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training. The triathlon takes place in NYC on August 7th and training begins in March. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives."

Read more about this cause at #TEAMBRANDALYN


Brandalyn Fulton is an amazing person with an equally amazing talent in makeup, wig & hair! Join her Facebook page BRANDALYN FULTON and follow her on Twitter @brandalynfulton. Be sure to also tune into her YOUTUBE CHANNEL and BLOG! BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO ALL!! Don't miss out on all the wonderful tips, tricks and advice she offers. 

Special Thanks to Brandalyn Fulton for being so kind and giving of her time and knowledge,  for answering every question I ever asked no matter how busy her schedule was and for being such a power house in the Makeup field. You truly inspire me and many others. Thank you!

For all my makeup lovers, makeup artists, hair and wig artists Brandalyn will be at The Makeup Show NY 2011!!!! See you all there!

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms!


  1. Wow that was an amazing post and very thorough too.

  2. wow! loved this post :)

    Xisses, Onyxsta

  3. Great Post Sherry! We've been chatting on twitter but glad I found your blog!

  4. Ive had the plesaure of knowing how great Ms. Brandalyn Fulton is for a few years now and I am so glad that the word is spreading :) Absolutely amazing write up Sherry!!!

  5. @Bethany I'm happy too! She is so sweet but such a powerhouse in her own right!
