Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The 3 Causes & 3 Cures for Bloggers/Vloggers SLUMP!

Hey Blossoms,

I'm a blogger and vlogger and I know exactly what it feels like to be in a slump and over time I have been able to pinpoint EXACTLY why! The 3 REASONS why many are in a never ending slump and I'm going to help you BLAST them away so that YOU can get back to being a more creative you!

"Busy, Busy, Joy, Joy...umm excuse me that's not how the song goes!"


Life gets busy we all know that. Sometimes we get so busy we forget the things that we used to do that brought us happiness, joy, peace and tranquility. I know time doesn't stand still for anyone BUT that doesn't mean we have to be active every second of the day. What's a better feeling than accomplishing a goal and being productive? Being happy and joyful AND accomplishing a goal and being productive!

CURE: Stop and smell the roses.

I love blogging and vlogging and sometimes I too can feel I'm not doing enough when I know I am.

Can't a girl do it all I ask? ALL the time? The logical answer is NO!

"I work HARD! Oh really? That's nice because I work HARD & WELL!"
CAUSE: Working Hard

Just how it's important to work hard it's important to work WELL. Do what works best for you! Yes I know everyone around you seems to be moving faster (Google "best blogs" and you'll get 944 million examples of what everyone else is doing!) but don't let their speed dictate your wellness. Move at the sound of your own drum. Whether the beat is fast, slow or intermediate!

CURE: Working Well

"Be YOU. Simple but true."

CAUSE: Losing your grip on your individuality.

 It's so much easier to do that nowadays. If you are in need of motivation find it within yourself. Think of the time when you were at your absolute best. Draw from there and use those internal memories to manifest into present actions.

CURE: Love you and Love what you do and it will love you back!

THIS I am sure.

That is ALL!

Are you in a bloggers or vloggers slump? What has worked for you?

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms!


  1. @Eve Write for you and the audience will ALWAYS follow! Thats proven! Again I felt like you too! And consistency always pays off!

  2. Great Post! I find myself in slumps sometimes too this was a great refresher!
