Thursday, July 7, 2011

BLOSSOMING INTERVIEW: Up Close & Personal With Your Favorite Makeup Gurus: LILPUMKINPIE05

Hey Blossoms,

Youtube is saturated with makeup lovers, makeup junkies and fellow MUAs. I love it for the wealth of knowledge it provides from beginners level all the way to GURU. So when you come across a gem out the bunch you click "Subscribe" and squeal with glee because you know your in for a ride. Especially when the person is knowledgeable, personable and an overall joy to watch. I will introduce you to one of those said persons. With over 45,000 subscribers and 3,210,000 MILLION VIEWS there is no question that she is doing amazing things over there. I've been subscribed to her for well over a year and a half and each video teaches you something new. She's a working makeup artist and a sweetheart. What more could you ask for???

Here is her Youtube Channel: LilPumpkinPie05

Here is her Tumblr:

Here is her Twitter handle: LilPumpkinPie05

Here is her Facebook page: LilPumpkinPie05

and here SHE is LilPumpkinPie aka JACKIE

STUNNING isn't the word!

1) You have been one of my favorite YouTube Gurus for a long time. What do you think of being called a Guru and people looking to you as such?

Thank you so much Sherry. To be quite honest to be called a guru is quite flattering, almost TOO flattering! You see the people that mentor me I consider are gurus. I am just a regular ol' girl with a passion.

2) Why did you initially join YouTube? When did you join? And at what point did you realize that something extraordinary was happening?

I joined the late sumer of 2009. And I literally joined because my best friend constantly begged me to start doing videos! My very first video she absolutely hated, because there were picture slideshows and subtitles. She said, what's the point of making a video if people have to read it?! I took her constructive criticism for what it was worth and began to do better videos to cater to the small audience I had at the time. The rest from there is history.

3) I know you receive lots of commentary, suggestions and requests. What was the weirdest, craziest and most bizarre comment, suggestion and/or request you've ever got?

There are way too many to name, I've seen them all. Some hatred, some very very sweet that have me on the verge of tears (yes really tears) I think possibly the strangest thing I did encounter was an annonymous man was posting videos blasting nothing but black women in a very negative and derogatory way. He mentioned me in my videos and commented on how ugly he thought I was, how I was just wearing makeup because I was ashamed of myself. This dude really went out of his way to say hatred and mean things about black women in general and that was not cool! But it's not the first mean thing I've heard in my life and it won't be the last. I must be doing something right!

4) I know you get asked if your eyelashes are real all the time. I know yours are real but if you had to compare:  what false eyelash is similar to your own: brand, style and number?

Mine are like MAC's 36's. and I say that because whenever I do wear that pair I'm like "dang, where did the lash go?!"

Jackie's natural lashes!

5) The first eyeshadow I bought from MAC was because of your video! What was the first MAC eyeshadow you purchased and why? Is it still one of or is it now your all time favorite?

That is a GOOD question!! Wow, I don't think I can think back that far!

6) You left YouTube for a short while but returned brighter and bigger than ever. Were you concerned that you wouldn't be received after "leaving" so abruptly? What helped you throw yourself back into making videos for your subscribers?

I had no doubt in my mind that my subscribers would be supportive. Simply because I was still recieving TONS of feedback via comments and emails on my youtube account. It was like I never left to begin with. I was MIA for a while because I didn't have a camera. Usually when I take a break for that long it's tech related.

7) You worked at a MAC counter, do you have any advice on how to shine through to your superiors when working at a counter? How did you stand out amongst the rest? What worked for you?

Well first of all I was the only black employee at my store, in a pacific islander demographic so I automatically stood out. Other than that I think it was refreshing to be the new person. Working for MAC can be like any other nine to five if it's not your passion. So for me to jump right in, very bubbly and ambitious, was a nice change I'm sure.

8) You have made great strides in the makeup industry since you first began. Who were the key people in your development? Did you attend a makeup school or class?

No makeup school and no classes.  A lot of reading, "people watching", and just repetition. Literally when I started working for MAC people thought I got better because they were teaching me, they didn't teach me anything there! Of course I learned a lot of tips and tricks from some of my awesome coworkers but they were mainly mental notes and just by watching other's makeup looks. I'm a pretty fast learner and very visual. 

9) What is your favorite eyeshadow brush, blending brush, eyeliner brush, brow brush and blush brush?

eyeshadow brush: MAC 252
blending brush hands down MAC 224
eyeliner brush (I never remember the name of this one) but any angeled brush
blush brush sheesh this is hard, the MAC 116 because it has many uses. 

10) What are your personal favorite foundations to wear? Liquid, cream, mousse and powder?

Favorite foundation will probably always be MAC's Studio Fix Fluid. It's just perfect for me, the coverage, the finish, the way it blends and controls oil is great. For my kit my favorite foundations are Face Atelier and Fix Fluid. If I had to choose cream it would be MAC's Full Coverage Foundations. Don't use any mousse foundations in my kit, and as for powder I love Mineralize Skinfinish and Studio Fix Powders.


My whole name is Jacquelyn Lonje Olayiwola Oyeshola Bolayemi Aina

I am in the Army reserves and I love it!

My long time goal is to get into cosmetic chemistry, one day in hopes of creating a better line of oil-control products for women like me. I think the market for that is huge.

One of my favorite side things to do is "bling" things

I love me some Michael Jackson!

I like to eat jalapenos with my popcorn, hold the butter please!

Speaking of butter I'm an extremely picky eater

That's all I can think of for now, thanks Sherry!
  Photos of her amazing work on herself:

Photos from her Portfolio:

Words CAN NOT describe!

Don't hesitate to contact her on all of her social media links and be sure to let her know Sherry Blossom sent you!

Are you a subscriber to her Youtube channel? Do you follow her on Twitter? Are you a friend of her's on Facebook? What do you like about what she provides on her Youtube beauty channel?

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms


  1. @Tisha thanks! She's just all around amazing! I adore her!

  2. @Janella thanks so much! I appreciate your compliments and your readership!

  3. Love the post. Jackie is truly Talented!

  4. Great interview! I'm glad Jackie is going for her goals & dreams & inspiring others. She's always been a sweet girl.

  5. @Ashley Yes I definitely concur. She has been an inspiration to me for quite some time!

  6. @Desiree' Awesome! I'm glad your checking her out you'll love her videos!
