Friday, September 9, 2011


Hey Blossoms,

Goodness if only you all could have shared this night. One of the biggest nights in NYC to kick off one of the most anticipated weeks: Fashion Night Out for Mercedez - Benz Fashion Week.

The night started with me meeting up with Khambria, a natural hair vlogger on Youtube.

She is as lovely as she looks. Be sure to check out her channel and subscribe for awesome information for naturalistas!

We met up at Make Up For Ever Studios in NYC. James Vincent, Michael DeVellis and Orlando Santiago hosted a Pro to Pro event.

There, live makeup demonstrations were going on showcasing the use of the new LIMITED EDITION MUFE palettes. Dubbed "The James Palette aka Bad Reputation" and "The Orlando Palette aka Nocturnal Girl".

  "Nocturnal Girl aka Orlando's Palette" (L) and " Bad Reputation aka James's Palette" (R)

MUFE has awesomely pigmented eyeshadows. These limited edition pre-made palettes were flying off the shelves!

James Vincent, the man with the master plan, has this to say about his palette:

    • .It is every shade you need to shape, contour and create a real Rock N Roll smokey eye for every skin tone. Add in Black Kohl Pencil and Mascara and it is the end. From sensual dramatic smokey to natural washes it is all here in one put together collection I would use on clients like Joan Jett, Jillian Michaels, Liv Tyler and Fefe Dobson...

The makeup demonstrations were unreal. Those palettes truly give you the shades necessary to do it ALL....check it out for yourself

Orlando Santiago's makeup station looked simple enough but the results were nothing short of amazing. This palette is truly versatile.

The pictures speak more than 1,000 words. 

After watching the live demonstrations and seeing the versatility of the palettes, there was no way I could NOT purchase BOTH. 

 Yes there was no mistake in the total price, a mere $130.65 (tax included) for BOTH palettes. For 1 day only this palette was available to MUFE Backstage Card Holder and TPG Pro members for $60 EACH! Each palette retails for $175.00!!!!! WOW!

So many MUAs were attendance. I had a chance to meet new faces as well as see some old friends.

Fellow MUAs

April Antoinette, MUA & Beauty Blogger

Fellow MUA who definitely has color blocking down to a science!

Michael DeVellis gets an air kiss!

April Antoinette & Bethany Townes

I then headed on over to Diane Von Furstenberg, @DVF on Twitter, the line was insane. Perhaps 200 plus people waiting to get in. I let the security officer at the door know I was there to cover the event and I was let right in! The life of a Blogger. I LOVE IT!

Inside it was a huge VIP party. The event was catered, there was a live DJ spinning awesome tunes, great atmosphere, gorgeous people, amazing clothes and an open bar.

The venue was packed wall to wall. Waiters zoomed by balancing cocktails on trays, people were dancing, laughter filled the air and flashes from cameras were going off like paparazzi was in the building.

 I joined the party. I snapped a few photos, chatted with a few guests and was able to grab a few photos of the woman behind it all: Diane Von Furstenberg

She danced with the guests, took photos with admirers and placed wristbands onto party goers. Definitely a great time. Watching her interact with this young fashion enthusiast definitely was a highlight of my night.  

Check out her awesome line ...

After DVF, and after checking Twitter hashtag #bloggercrawl (real time updates of where fellow bloggers were around the city), I raced on down to Lord & Taylor's where Solange Knowles was spinning the tunes for the event. I didn't make it in time to catch her but I did meet up with some fashion blogging friends.

We decided to have an impromptu photo shoot. That was fun! 

@BlakeVonD on Twitter

@kaileinthecity, @LoveBrownSugar of Uptown Mag, @Ms_Andrews of The Glamazonsblog, Khambria on YT

After our fun but busy night we all decided we were famished, one of the girls recommended, Blockheads, a mexican cuisine restaurant in midtown, known for their burritos.

The food was awesome. Their vodka pink lemonade was a smash hit, unfortunately they don't serve it virgin. 

So I had 4 glasses of ice cold water instead! I ordered a chicken quesadilla and it was delicious. 

Our table was full of laughter. 

The night ended beautifully.
Cheers to FASHION NIGHT OUT 2011!!!

Even with all the events I attended and all the amazing people I met up with I still missed events and others. All in all it was a memorable night.

Tonight is BLOGGER'S NIGHT OUT! I can't wait! Stay tuned for the re-cap post of that event. 

How did you spend Fashion Night Out???

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms


  1. A great time was had by all! I had a BLAST!

  2. You all looked you had fun! I was going to go to Blogger's Night Out tonight but I just can't do it. I've been running for 2 days straight and I'm zonked. My body says R-E-S-T LOL.

    I can't wait to see your footage of tonight's event. Oh and I LOVE your twists!

  3. @Blake Von D YES!! Amazing! I love when good people have great times!!

  4. No no no I can't do it. I'm going to spend the time with my son. Plus, I'm henna-ing my hair tonight. There will be other events. I am however going to BlogHer next year. It's in NY and I got my ticket already! Are you going?

  5. I did the early bird. It appears the price went up $30 already. Get the cheapest for both days:

    Blogger Rate: BlogHer '12 Full Conference Pass - EarlyBird Pricing Thru Feb. 28th
    Ticket includes admission to all conference programming, meals, breaks, sponsor areas, parties and expo floor on Friday and Saturday. Blogger Rate intended for bloggers who can neither tax deduct nor expense their trip. This is a subsidized rate.

  6. You looked amazing! Love the pink jacket and makeup was flawless

  7. Thanks for sharing your experience with us Sherry! It looks like it was a wonderful night. :-) I really love that picture of DVF with that little girl. She seems so approachable. That's always a plus.

  8. You were very busy indeed. Wish i was there. Love the fact that you shared it all. D Von F. is absolute glam
