Sunday, October 17, 2010



So I've finally arrived! Blog World! LOL

A little background on me. My name is Sherry. I'm a budding freelance makeup artist and makeup/beauty blogger. I've always been a writer more specifically a poet. I never thought this is what I would wind up doing for the world to see but here I am! I've never been happier.

First I'm not a makeup expert, guru, fashionista or the greatest there ever was. I'm a regular person that just loves makeup and being a makeup artist. I am an "everyday woman". That's what I'm shaping this blog around and that's what type of service I'm providing as a makeup artist. Let me explain, an "everyday woman" is all of you. Working women, homemakers, mothers, married women, single women, young women, old women, urban/city women, suburban women, college student women, women who drive, women who take the bus/train, local women, all shapes, colors and sized women. I'm here for you because I am just like you. There isnt anything so extraordinary about me. I'm not super rich, famous or even super popular. That's what I love! I can relate to all of you as blog followers, bloggers yourselfs or even clients!

I remember when I first grew a love for makeup and how it felt so overwhelming. I would google and youtube different things and would be bamboozled by products, brand names, websites, articles, photos, reviews, blogs, videos, comments and stories from different places and people. I would feel disconnected like maybe I was in way over my head. I couldn't even afford most of the things I liked and forget being able to afford a makeup artist to do my makeup for me! It was then that I wished there was someone out there like me, someone who understood that everyday women want to look and feel beautiful as well. That's when I decided I would become that woman! The above quotes summarizes it all, I can make you up flawlessly and beautifully ,but if you don't feel it within nothing else will matter. I'm here to help you not only feel great and beautiful on the inside but the outside. I genuinely care about each and every supporter, fan or client. You all help make me who I am and I thank you!

So guess what this is all for you! We are going to have fun! Ask me any questions and I'll answer, if I don't have an answer I will find it for you and post it expeditiously. Email me or leave a comment and I'll write back. Offer suggestions or even insight on anything dealing with beauty or even women as a whole. We learn something new everyday and I want to learn from all of you. I can't wait! Let's get started!


  1. Hey sherry its clara & since I'm 1 of your oldest friends I see it very fitting that I'm the 1st to comment yayyy me. I kinda stumbled on this by accident but iam very happy I did I was very impressed by your 1st post it really captured the overall mission. I'm not really even into makeup but u made it sound so interesting that I want 2 try it lol. I def might have 2 take u up on some of those makeup tricks because I'm helping as we speak 2 jump start a model career for 1 of my closest friends with the help of a photographer I know. Don't be surprised if u see me promoting this because like I said I was really impressed but not surprised because I know u & your a capricorn so of course!!! lol... Peace & blessings 2 u & I sincerely wish u all the best.

  2. Hey girl, great blog. i wish you all the best of luck! i'm sure you will do great!!
